Making iMIS serve one language in IIS

One of the pains I’ve been going through is cross browser testing on iMIS. To further add complexity to the matter, mutliple languages required testing even though English was the desired exclusive language setting for the company. iMIS had no way of forcing one language to be used (only allow defaulting of EN-US as far as I can tell through sifting through their Javascript code)

Anyhow onto the solution:

A while back, I had to set up proxy service in IIS and was forced to set an HTTP Header tag. all browsers set Accept-Language, which is exactly what we want to manipulate. The trick is, IIS doesn’t call it “Accept-Language” they call it “{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE}” to differentiate between other tags in the list.

  1. goto iis->your website instance
  2. open url-rewrite
  3. add HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE as a server variable
    1. click “view server variables”
    2. click add
    3. enter “HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE” without the quotes
  4. add an inbound rule
    1. “match url” to match all the time or exactly where you please
    2. “server variables” add HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE (no curly braces needed here) with the desired language to over write “EN-CA” for me.
    3. “replace existing value”=checked
  5. action=none