Parsing Sharepoint Logs without ULSViewer

Sharepoint problems seems to pop up from time to time, especially when your DBA decides to muck around a working system. I’ve had to add auditing to my daily duties on everything just to be sure everything is runny peachy. One of the things Sharepoint Central Admin doesn’t tell me is when some queries fail, either from the business data connectivity management or some permission problems. I’m in process of writing my own log parser that will provide me daily or hourly reports of what sharepoint errors have crept up. for now this easy command from a git bash will get some meaningful data.

tail -f //sharepointserver/c$/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/microsoft\ shared/Web\ Server\ Extensions/15/LOGS/sharepointserver-20170220-1301.log | grep -v -P "\tMedium "

the line above uses the wins name for both the servername and the file name. The files are broken down to half hours, you’ll have to get the appropriate 24hr entry. above is 1301 (1:01pm). I was only interested in anything other than “Medium” level so that’s why there was a grep command after.