assuming you know the exact guid of the list and the item id, you can pull up the fields of a given item. This was originally derived from my work inspecting the Tasks and how to pull up the originating document that is associated with the Task/Workflow.
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell;
$sharepointSite = "http://sharepoint.url";
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb $sharepointSite;
$spSite = Get-SPSite $sharepointSite;
$list = $spWeb.Lists.GetList("{AC1FF751-626C-4873-B3CA-BDF24E206C4B}", $false);
$item = $list.GetItemById(2582);
foreach($entry in ($item.Fields | SELECT Title, StaticName)) {
$tmp = @{};
$tmp.Value = $item[$entry.StaticName];
$tmp.Name = $entry.Title;
$tmp.StaticName = $entry.StaticName;
$tmp | ConvertTo-Json