Git merging multiple commits from one branch into one commit

There are many ways to use git and organizing the code changes from multiple branches could look chaotic if you do a simple “git merge *new_feature_branch*” onto your master. This is especially true when:

* there are multiple commits
* 2 feature branches are simultaneously worked on with commits spanning a great time frame

when viewing them in your master branch you end up seeing all commits from both branches in one history.

a way to get around this is to “git merge –squash *new_feature_branch*” then “git commit -m ‘adding new feature branch:new_feature_branch'”

as long as you don’t delete the branches, you’ll have the multiple commits viewable from that branch. On the master branch you only see 1 commit for all the changes that happened within that branch. This keeps the master branch history/log only concerned with tracking the changes at branch level.